Visitor Center
Visitor Center 2005
1877 print featuring the small house
In September 2005, Lisa Cockayne, sister-in-law to Sam Cockayne, passed away. Lisa lived in the smaller family home that was depicted in the 1877 print of the Cockayne Farm. The exact age of the smaller house is unknown; it is possible that the family lived in this house while the larger farmhouse was built in 1850. While at the time of Sam Cockayne’s death in 2001, the main farmhouse and its interior (fabrics, finishes, heating and electrical resources) had not changed since the turn of the century, the smaller house had been renovated several times over the years. The Marshall County Historical Society recognized not only the historical significance of the structure, but also its value in providing the necessary space to house offices and to plan its educational goals. But with the house now coming up for sale, how could it be acquired and preserved for the future? Mr. Khourey and Mr. Turak agreed to front a loan for the property, and the house was purchased on December 31, 2005. It was then immediately leased to the Society, which would be responsible for the insurance, loan interest, and utilities. The house remained empty for two years, but in 2008, the community donated office furniture and equipment and the project hired Program Director Tom Tarowsky to begin educational and cultural programming. The smaller house has since become the hub for all activities related to the Farmstead. In 2010, the 87 Club initiative was launched as a means to pay off the principal and gain clear title to the smaller 19th Century house. The 87 Club was based on a simple premise: "To seek businesses, organizations or individuals each willing to donate $1,000 or more toward that goal."
Pictured- The Mortgage Burning - L-R, Jon Turak, Charlotte Khourey, Christopher and Shawn Turak.
Picture by Thomas Rouse -
In 2011, a Cultural Facilities Capital Resources Grant was awarded from the West Virginia Arts Commission to match all 87 Club donations. The mortgage was paid off in March, 2013. The mortgage burning represented an additional major accomplishment on behalf of the project. The Society is truly grateful for the 87 Club idea and for the 87 Club members who made this possible.
- BB & T - Branch Banking & Trust
- Joe Donahue
- Mary Eliza Burgess Filter
- Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Allen
- Christopher and Shawn Turak
- Edward Michael and Julia Valerie Schafer
- Marshall County Historical Society
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union No. 141
- Project Best
- Upper Ohio Valley Building & Construction Trades Council
- Main Street Bank
- The Marshall County Commission
- West Virginia Commission on the Arts
- Linda Cunningham Fluharty
- David L. Aeberli
- Roland C. and Janice Caldwell
- American Electric Power
- Phillip and Nila Chaddock
- City of Glen Dale
- Henry and Naomi Hupp
- Louis and Charlotte Khourey
- Sam and Josephine Kusic
- Jonathan and Roselyn Turak
- James and Jane Cockayne Weaver
- The Grisell Family
- Moundsville Daily Echo
- Moundsville Economic Development Council
- Dorothy Dakan Sedosky
- John and Daniela Cockayne
- Paree Insurance Centers